

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

TEQIP II Sponsored Faculty Development Programme On Hands on Cloud & Big Data Analytics 12.5.2015 to 25.5.2105

TEQIP II Sponsored Faculty Development Programme
On Hands on Cloud & Big Data Analytics 12.5.2015 to 25.5.2105

ANNA UNIVERSITY, BIT CAMPUS TIRUCHIRAPPALLI-620024 Web:www.annauniv.edu/www.aubit.edu.in
Chief Patron
Dr. M. Rajaram, Ph.D.,
Vice-Chancellor, Anna University, Chennai.
Dr. S. Ganesan
Registrar Anna University, Chennai.

 Dr. T.Senthilkumar
The Dean, BIT Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli.
Mr. D. Venkatesan
Professor and HoD IT/CSE,
 BIT Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli.
Mrs. S. Usha , Mrs. C. Usharani
 Assistant Professors, Department of CSE/IT ,  BIT Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli.
Organizing Committee Members
 Mr. T. JaisonVimalraj, TF
 Mr. R. Nandhikesavan, TF
Mr. R.DeepanChakkaravarthy, TF

Resource Person
(Cloud Openstack Session on 12-May-2015 and 13-May-2015)

Mr.D.Kesavaraja M.E ,M.B.A,(PhD),MISTE,AMIE
Assistant Professor/CSE ,
Dr.Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering ,Tiruchendur
Mobile : +91 9865213214
Website : www.k7cloud.in


[Live Hands On Openstack Juno version with  Packstack , Rdo , Nova , Swift And Neutron ]
12-May-2015 and 13-May-2015

Objectives (TwoDays Hands on Session):  
·         Describe the Basic Structure of Cloud
·         Implement OpenStack in Cent OS -7 (GNOME or KDE)
·         Describe the architecture of an Open Stack Cloud deployment
·         Installation PackStack and RDO
·         Open Issues Discussion and Workaround
·         Define the key features of Open Stack
·         Identify suitable use-cases for Open Stack
·         Implement and use Image, Identity, and Dashboard services
·         Create and manage images and instances
·         Create and manage roles, users and quotas
·         Find additional Open Stack help and support resources
·         Use the CLI and Dashboard
·         Nova, SWIFT and Neutron Hands on Demo on Single Node Openstack

Day – 1 (12-May-2015)
SESSION – 1 [Open Stack Introduction ] TIME: 10:00 AM TO 12:30 PM
·         What is OpenStack?
·         Case Study (Real Time)
·         What are three Service models and OpenStack IaaS?
·         Juno , Kilo
·         OpenStack Components
·         OpenStack Arhitecture
·         OpenStack Releases
·         OpenStack Network Model
·         Hands on - Cent OS – 7  GNOME or KDE Installation
·         Hands on - Firewall Configuration , GRUB Config
·         Hands on - DHCP / Static IP Configuration
·         Hands on - Firewall Access to Enable Port 
SESSION – 2 [Open Stack Deployment PackStack and RDO , Key Stone] TIME: 1:30 AM TO 4:30 PM
·         Nova architecture overview
·         Overlays vs Physical Networks
·         Network Abstractions at Different Layers
·         Neutron: The OpenStack Networking
·         Application-centric Abstractions for Neutron: Policy Extension Framework
·         Application-centric Network Policies
·         Hands on - Installing Open Stack with Pack Stack and RDO
·         Hands-on Setting and Configuring your own Cloud
·         Hands on -Add the dashboard 
·         Hands on - Install and configure  - Verify operation .
·         Hands on - Open Issues and Workarounds – Practices
·         Hands on - KeyStone
·         Hands on - Key Creation – rsa [Public and Private Key]
Day – 2 (13-May-2015)
·         Dashboard walkthrough
·         Add the Block Storage service  - OpenStack Block Storage
·         Hands on - Install and configure controller node
·         Hands on - Install and configure a storage node
·         Hands on - Verify operation
·         Hands on -Add Object Storage - OpenStack Object Storage 
·         Hands on - SSH , CURL , VNC , RDesktop
·         Hands on - Add the Identity service
·         Hands on - Add the Image Service
·         Hands on - Add the Compute service
·         Hands on - Replication - SWIFT
·         Demo - Security/ACLs
SESSION – 4 [Modeling application connectivity in Nova vs Neutron] TIME: 1:30 AM TO 4:30 PM
·         Hands on -Configuring Router from the CLI
·         Hands on - Configuring Router from the Dashboard
·         Hands on - Provisioning router interfaces
·         Hands on - Exploring the OpenStack integration
·         Hands on - Distributed Virtual Routing Service
·         Distributed  InTRA-Tenant Routing
·         Hands on - Adding ip interfaces to tenant router
·         Hands on - Hybrid Solution
·         Network Abstractions at Different Layers of the Stack
·         Hands on – Java and Python Deploying Application
·         Hands on -  Live Experiments
·         E-Resources , Forums and Groups.
·         Discussion and Clarifications

“Knowing is not enough
We must apply
Willing is not enough
We must do”
More Details Visit : www.k7cloud.in
                          : http://k7training.blogspot.in