

Sunday 10 July 2016

SAP Award of Excellence with Rs 5000/- Cash Award

SAP Award of Excellence
with Rs 5000/- Cash Award
IIT Bombay

          Received “SAP Award of excellence” with Cash Award Rs.5000/- from IIT Bombay for top performers in the four week AICTE approved FDP by IIT Bombay on "Use of ICT in Education for online and blended learning" held from 2nd May to 10th July 2016.

          Attended Four Week AICTE approved FDP by IIT Bombay on ''Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning'' 2 May to 10 July 2016 Conducted by IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Mumbai – 400076 . AICTE has recognized this as a Four-week FDP at Remote Center 1054 ,  National College of Engineering, Maruthakulam.  Out of 4051 participants from all over India, the SAP award of excellence was given to 253 top performing faculty members with Rs.5000 cash award.

SAP Award of Excellence with Rs 5000/- Cash Award by IIT Bombay 2016

   D.Kesavaraja received SAP Award of Excellence 

Participation in IITBombayX: FDPICT001x Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning, IIT Bombay & SAP CSR

    D.Kesavaraja received “SAP Award of excellence” with Cash Award Rs.5000/- from IIT Bombay for top performers in the four week AICTE approved FDP by IIT Bombay on "Use of ICT in Education for online and blended learning" held from 2nd May to 10th July 2016.

          Attended Four Week AICTE approved FDP by IIT Bombay on ''Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning'' 2 May to 10 July 2016 Conducted by IIT Bombay , Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Mumbai – 400076 . AICTE has recognized this as a Four-week FDP at Remote Center 1054 ,  National College of Engineering, Maruthakulam.  Out of 4051 participants from all over India, the SAP award of excellence was given to 253 top performing faculty members with Rs.5000 cash award.